TRICK To Make Old TAX Issues Disappear – New IRS Debt Fresh Start Initiative Helps Taxpayers Who Owe Taxes
Stop Being Crushed by IRS Debt – Federal Tax Relief Initiatives Could Get You Out of Back Taxes!

he U.S. Internal Revenue Service estimated that 8.2 million Americans owed over $83 billion in back taxes, penalties and interest (approximately $10,000 per person). Despite the threat of owing thousands of dollars to the U.S. government, millions of Americans continue to fall behind on their taxes.
Here’s the good news – tax debt relief programs under federal law could help you settle with the IRS for a substantially lower amount than you owe and may save you tens of thousands of dollars. It’s complicated, but with expert help, you may be able leverage tax court findings, revenue rulings, and congressional reports to reduce your tax obligation.
With Fresh Tax Relief, You will be able to solve your IRS tax problems Fast and start fresh as tax payers! Resolving anything from back taxes, liens and penalties to saving on what you owe the IRS.Learn More About Your Options Now – TAX DEBT RELIEF IN 3 EASY STEPS! >>>
You Can’t Hide From The IRS
The IRS knows almost everything about you. They know where you live, where you work, who you’re married to, if you’ve ever taken a latte as a business expense, and where you buy your coffee.
Which is to say, if the IRS is looking for you, you can’t hide. The’re are collecting a huge amount of your personal information on your digital activities, from eBay auctions to Facebook posts and, credit card and e-payment transaction records.
The IRS is under heavy pressure to help Washington D.C. out of its budget crisis by chasing down an estimated $300 billion in revenue lost every year due to people failing to pay their owed taxes.
“I felt like a loser. I had worked all of these years to start my dream restaurant and I couldn’t even afford to pay my taxes….”
Eric’s story is similar to many people who are struggling with unpaid tax debts. “It was always my dream to own a small restaurant for as long as I can remember. I have a passion for being a chef and love cooking for people.

When we opened the restaurant we did very well. But cooking takes my time away from doing things like maintaining my books. To make a long story short I ended up owing over $23,000 to the IRS and I simply didn’t have the money to pay them.
You’re One Step Closer to Being Tax Debt Free – See if you qualify to substantially lower your Tax Debt >>>
At first I just ignored it and kind of hoped it would go away. It didn’t go away and I ended up owing more money in penalties and fees, but I was even more concerned about the possibility of going to jail and getting convicted for felony tax evasion.
I wasn’t sleeping anymore, and my passion for cooking was being overshadowed by my large tax debt. I felt like a loser. I had worked all of these years to start my dream restaurant, and I couldn’t even afford to pay my taxes.
I heard about the new law and was worried about being put on the government no-fly list, and having my passport revoked for not being able to pay my back taxes as I often visit family across the country and abroad.
Get Your Free Case Review by a Tax Analyst or Attorney
“I was finally able to sleep at night knowing that my wife and kids were going to be OK.”
It wasn’t until I reached out for help from a professional that I was able to resolve my tax debt. The morning after a sleepless night I had finally had enough of avoiding my tax problem.
I called a tax debt expert to help me with my problem. I knew that I was in way over my head and that I needed someone who could guide me through this extremely complicated process.
I’m glad that I had the courage to take that step.
Within a matter of days a tax debt expert from Fresh Tax Help was able to stop IRS collection proceedings and get me debt relief that I could easily manage.
I was finally able to sleep at night knowing that my wife and kids were going to be OK. I wish that I had done this sooner, so my advice to anyone in this situation is not to wait. The longer you wait the worse it’s going to get.”